What Is FREA?

Welcome To FREA
The Foundation for Research of the Enzmann Archive, Inc. (FREA), based in Massachusetts, was established to preserve and publish the extensive research conducted by Dr. Robert and Joanna Enzmann.
For many decades, the Enzmanns dedicated themselves to the study of space exploration and mission planning, producing a comprehensive body of work that spans topics from early human history to advanced space colonization techniques.
Recognizing the significance and uniqueness of their contributions, FREA is committed to preserving, cataloging, and publishing this expansive archive, ensuring its accessibility to the public.

Dr. Enzmann revolutionized technology and defense sectors with his pioneering contributions in space mission planning, planetology, computer programming, and missile defense systems. Notably, the Enzmann APChE system has redefined the prelaunch countdown checks for every space-bound vehicle. At FREA, we are inspired by Dr. Enzmann’s vision and are dedicated to realizing his Grand Design of interplanetary colonization.
Your support, through sponsorships, generous donations, and the purchase of our publications, helps us preserve and share this invaluable body of knowledge for future generations.

Dr. Robert Duncan-Enzmann
Our Founding Story
FREA’s journey began with an unexpected discovery by Michelle and Jay Snyder, a duo deeply passionate about Dr. Enzmann’s work. Jay, originally brought in to address structural issues in the Enzmann residence, stumbled upon a vast collection of papers, books, and periodicals, slowly deteriorating in the attic. This treasure trove, spanning the attic’s expanse, held writings of Dr. Enzmann—far more extensive than Michelle and Jay had ever imagined. Realizing the historical and intellectual value of this archive, they fervently declared, “This cannot be lost to time!”
Over the years, the stewardship of this immense archive was passed onto them. What began as a project in their living room soon outgrew its confines, leading to the birth of FREA. Today, FREA boasts a dedicated team meticulously working through the enormous volume of documents, digital files, images, and artifacts. Each item is being assessed for preservation, organization, and potential publication. We believe that sharing this archive will enrich humanity’s knowledge and understanding for many generations to come.

FREA’s President and Treasurer: Mrs. Joanna Enzmann. Founder and Vice President: Michelle Snyder. Secretary: Pamela Main.
Executive Director of Production: Jay R Snyder.
Assistant Director: Holly Enzmann.
Board members are Holly Enzmann, Dean Cook, Edwin Pangman, Jay Snyder, and Ron Haley.
Dedicated independent researchers collaborate with FREA, diligently delving into the vast depths of our archives. Their mission is to curate and transform these findings into compelling content for ENDEAVOR, FREA’s premier research journal, as well as for our eBooks and printed publications. Given the staggering volume—hundreds of thousands of written pages and an equal number of digital files—the task is monumental. The archives encompass diverse subjects, from cosmology and history to the intricacies of interstellar travel.

Our Team

Embarking on a Quest
FREA is wholeheartedly dedicated to unveiling the works of Dr. Enzmann for the world to witness. The Archive stands as a reservoir of wonder, holding secrets and revelations yet to be discovered. Curious about our day-to-day discoveries? Tune in to our video segment, Look What I Found!, where Michelle Snyder provides a daily glimpse into the treasures she unearths from the Archive. It’s a snapshot into our journey.
As we move forward with the task of publishing the Archive, we endeavor to illuminate not just the vast professional and academic accomplishments of the Enzmanns, but also the heart and soul behind their work. We aim to narrate their story, exploring the motivations that fueled this extensive collection and their aspirations for it.
At FREA, we’re not just preserving history; we’re emphasizing the significance of the Archive for both the present and the future. By fostering appreciation for its value, we hope to rally support, ensuring that we can continue to delve deeper and reveal the myriad mysteries hidden within. It is not unlike discovering Narnia’s lampost!

Become a part of this amazing project.
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Your financial contribution supports FREA as we preserve, catalog, and publish this treasure of knowledge. Your donation is greatly appreciated.
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