Orders of Magnitude

Orders of Magnitude

Robert Duncan-Enzmann The writer believes that all actions and reactions, all aggregations of matter, all shapes – in effect all entities and their interrelationships – are ultimately controlled by, and may sometimes be described by what we currently call quantum...
Light and Lenses

Light and Lenses

Light and Lenses by Dr. Robert Duncan-Enzmann Image: Painting – Gravitational Lensing by Don Davis and Enzmann The editor found these notes in a spiral-bound book of papers. Light is a wondrous, magical thing. Light is associated with warmth, intelligence,...
The Price is Right

The Price is Right

NOT science fiction, written by Dr. Robert Duncan-Enzmann in the 1980s Creeping, crawling, toddling, walking – or is it sprinting – technology. In the late 1950s and 1960s, it would have cost about 100 billion dollars to build a manned starship. In the 1970s, I...