Mars: Effects of Suspended Dust

Mars: Effects of Suspended Dust

Dr. Robert Duncan-Enzmann Dust particles, ice crystals, and droplets effect capsules designed for unmanned descent, landing, deployment, and subsequent use. Effects recommended for study are as follows: * Visibility at ultra-violet, optical, and infra-red frequencies...
Orders of Magnitude

Orders of Magnitude

Robert Duncan-Enzmann The writer believes that all actions and reactions, all aggregations of matter, all shapes – in effect all entities and their interrelationships – are ultimately controlled by, and may sometime be described by what we currently call quantum...
The Alvarez Incident

The Alvarez Incident

The Alvarez Incident Robert Duncan-Enzmann If you are sensitive, be warned, this is brutal truth. Have no doubt. It’s from any point of view that an outsider – anyone not in ‘the group’ – learning of the Alvarez situation must be killed and immediately. However, I was...