Robert Duncan-Enzmann Drop Your Buckets Where You Are! is a story from history past, from the 1500’s, as Portuguese-design caravels were being displaced by galleons. It tells of a small ship that just emerged from the usually cloudless North Tropical: that...
Michelle Snyder While investigating the endless material in the Enzmann Archive is truly an enlightening experience, conversations with Dr. Enzmann continue to produce new material. For example, A Shovel Full of Sand. Brief, but interesting. Here is what I wrote down...
NOT science fiction, written by Dr. Robert Duncan-Enzmann in the 1980s Creeping, crawling, toddling, walking – or is it sprinting – technology. In the late 1950s and 1960s, it would have cost about 100 billion dollars to build a manned starship. In the 1970s, I...