Enzmann Memoirs eBooks
Books and single stories – memories – of #1 Bestselling Author Robert Duncan-Enzmann. Prices vary.
Vera is a young girl with extraordinary intelligence. She was born in a small ship-building town at the start of WWII. This is the story of Vera and the people who love her, help her, pity her, envy her, fear her, and covet her. How Vera rises out of adversity makes her story unusually compelling.

Vera is a young girl with extraordinary intelligence. She was born in a small ship-building town at the start of WWII. This is the story of Vera and the people who love her, help her, pity her, envy her, fear her, and covet her. How Vera rises out of adversity makes her story unusually compelling. Read Part 1 first.
“The war will be over in days. All Brandenbergers, their families, relatives, and associates will be executed. We must do something extraordinary. And why not? There’s nothing to lose.” Flight of the Summerbird tells of a little-known event at the end of WW II, told here by Robert Duncan-Enzmann as told to him by the passengers of the Summerbird condor airplane. A must-read for scholars of WW II.

A rare eyewitness account of WW I by an Austrian soldier taken prisoner in the Brusilov offensive. This remarkable story of his service, imprisonment and escape has now been released for publication. Sometimes humorous, sometimes disturbing, always colorful, this is a must-read for anyone who likes source history.
Enzmann recounts a grave site in Germany he was at doing research. Forensics were done on prehistoric bones, creating a most startling story!

Pictures bring back memories. This is the story of a pioneer family in Enzmann’s genealogy.
The Enzmanns were extraordinary. Their life was unusual and so are the stories that tell about it.
As told by I R A Sailor
It’s a frigate, no name, just a number. 72nd was built shortly after WW I, (War to End Wars) and named the Patrick Henry. I’m aboard accidentally; I was with a group waiting for something….who knows what.

This is war. I have been sleeping far aft, port side. The first torpedo wakes me with a thump and heavy bump. It hit the starboard side bow.
The Enzmanns were extraordinary. Their life was unusual and so are the stories that tell about it.

How does a company commit suicide? Enzmann’s memoir is just one of a tangled and sadly destructive collection of human behaviors, and of immense contracts for the space race.
Schooners are beautiful ships. And so are Starships. Then, there is murder. Both are great personal stories in the life of Dr. Enzmann…..