Enzmann Nonfiction eBooks
Books and single articles from the knowledge of #1 Bestselling Author Robert Duncan-Enzmann. Prices vary.
This book reveals that the construction and launch of Echolance fleets can be accomplished without major technological breakthroughs, at surprisingly affordable cost, in a relatively short time, and with beneficial consequences for humans who remain on the Earth, as well as for those who open up the cornucopia of interstellar space.
This is a call for action.
A complex proposal to run a business that facilitates starships and groups of colonists. Written by Duncan-Enzmann as a model to be followed.
This introduction is a first look at the language of ‘cave art.’ Dr. Robert Duncan-Enzmann looked at thousands of inscriptions and said, “no one that could draw so well would make such a mess. This is a language, and I can read it.” His translations are enlightening.

This is a most astonishing discovery – and it has never been seen in recent historical records on planet Earth.
An excerpt from Dr. Enzmann’s timeline regarding the study of astronomy from prehistory.

Enzmann’s passion for space exploration and colonization was contagious. If you are a pioneer minded person this magazine series will feed your passion too.

Starships by the Mighty Mind of Enzmann. Starships that are functional and ready for colonizing and exploration of space – the greatest ENDEAVOR of mankind. Articles you won’t want to miss.
A Bitter Pill to Swallow, and Our Starflight Reality.

Starships Lost, the Fate of Thermonuclear Engines, and Dr. Robert Duncan-Enzmann – the Skin of the Space Race.

Dr. Enzmann’s mission planning was impeccable in the 1950s. Read this and see for yourself.

Enzmann studied the atmosphere of Mars in the 1950s. See his reports in this ENDEAVOR.

Enzmann studied the atmosphere of Mars in the 1950s. See his reports in this ENDEAVOR.

Enzmann’s history in timelines is exceptional. He wanted to combine all known timelines into one and observe where they did not work together and where the accounts are incomplete – allowing for corrections. It was his magnum opus.

What can bones tell us? Enzmann was at an archaeological dig of a site thousands of years old. It tells a sad story.
Dr. Enzmann was combining timelines from history, agriculture, astronomy, geology, wars, and every history there is into one timeline. Timelines is parts of this magnum opus work.

Joanna Enzmann writes in depth about galactic gravitation.

Joanna Enzmann writes in depth about the relationship between light and gravity.