A Shovel Full Of Sand
Michelle Snyder While investigating the endless material in the Enzmann Archive is truly an...
Inspiration, then Sweat, Tears, and Blood
Inspiration, then Sweat, Tears, and Blood Michelle Snyder Michelle Snyder: Dr. Enzmann, aside from...
Timeline of Megalithic Observatories
An Enzmann Timeline Goseck Observatory, Germany. Photo: Ralph Bentnagal In 5120 BC observations...
Fact of the Matter: Order Theory
Fact of the Matter: Order Theory Holly Enzmann Being a new recruit of FREA as Assistant Director,...
Light and Lenses
Light and Lenses by Dr. Robert Duncan-Enzmann Image: Painting – Gravitational Lensing by Don Davis...
The Price is Right
NOT science fiction, written by Dr. Robert Duncan-Enzmann in the 1980s Creeping, crawling,...