Enzmann Timelines Blog

Dr. Enzmann thoroughly recorded hundreds of timelines. He proves that history (time and information) has a limited lifespan. Dr. Enzmann ties migrations to climate changes and ice ages.

Excerpt From Pillars Timeline

Excerpt From Pillars Timeline

Seahenge, Norfolk, England, 4000 BC Robert Duncan-Enzmann 5900 to 3750 - The warm Atlantic I, II, III, and IV Grand Climate Optimum era. Global...

Birth of Lorelei 12,500 BC

Birth of Lorelei 12,500 BC

Birth of Lorelei Dr. Robert Duncan-Enzmann Birth of baby girl Lorelei at winter solstice, ca. 12,500 BC, showing before and after birth in pink,...

A Humorous Trek Through History

A Humorous Trek Through History

Sauerkraut & Bullfrogs Boiled in Vinegar Robert Duncan-Enzmann In 2011 construction workers in Colorado (USA) dug down into a one-time pond now...

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