Enzmann Featured Books

ALTHEA Algorithmic Thematic Android


This Awesome Story Was Written Before AI Was Cool!!!

Discover ALTHEA, an unprecedented military tank challenging every principle of robotics. It’s not about war, it’s a profoundly moving tale of an AI that yearns to be a child despite the forces that are against her.

“If anything can go right, it will!” – Enzmann




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Enzmann’s science fiction is hard science fiction based on the aerospace systems he himself engineered. No superpowers, no technological magic. Just people in space and all that they might encounter.

What if the last moon shot was not the end but the beginning? What would a star-bourne (and star-born) reality be like today?

The Enzmann Archive includes a selection of nonfiction works including FREA’s quarterly journal ENDEAVOR. These treasures were written by Dr. and Joanna Enzmann based on their decades of research. Our dedicated team of archivists compile, edit, and publish this material and make it available to you for the first time.

Dr. Robert Duncan-Enzmann’s life was unusual. His father’s life was unusual. The stories of their lives are told in manuscripts in the Archive – some are now published. These Memoirs are as unusual as the lives they are about. Find out what made the Enzmanns so unique! Browse our publications.

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