Independence Day

Independence Day in the United States is the annual celebration of our country’s birthday. It is when our Founders declared independence from Great Britain and the rule of a King with whom we had no representation. The Continental Congress actually voted our independence on July 2nd -in 1776. The Declaration of Independence was completed on July 4th, but the document was not signed by all 56 delegates until August!

John Adams declared that the day should be celebrated with fireworks, and the first display was done on July 4th, 1777.  Since then, Americans have celebrated with fireworks displays on this day across a growing nation. The awesome, loud, and often rattling displays of explosives are meant to remind us of the sacrifices and determination it took to be free.

Today July 4th is a time of family barbeques, and we eat about one hundred and fifty million hot dogs on this day!!!  Breaking bread together is a way of bonding and celebrating around a holiday. Food restores life and nourishes those who, in past times, suffered to give us a better life.

Freedom has and always will come with a price – vigilance, wisdom, and strength. May you have a day of remembrance and gratitude for The United States of America.


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