The Historian’s Archive – Who Were the Vanir?

Edmund Devine

Who were the Vanir? When you think of the Vanir, if you even think of them, you find images of Norse Gods and Marvel movies popping into your head. But they are far, far more important than legends and film may have you think. Join me, Edmund Devine as we once more delve into the Archive to find just who were… The Vanir

The Vanir. They are just myths, right? Or were they more than that? Here at FREA, the history of the past unfolds like a lotus, each petal a different and new mystery that Dr. Enzmann worked tirelessly to unravel and expose to the light of modern humanity. As such, the Vanir and their cousins the Æsir are not mere myths or modern superheroes. They were the forebears of the Caucasoid race. These people were the children of the Maglemosian culture that arose out of the last major Ice Age. This race of people was at first separate from one another, the Vanir being the forefathers of the Indo-European race, and the Æsir the forefathers of the Celtic race. During the Grand Climate Optimum, there was a series of ‘wars’ called the ‘Wars of Accommodation’ that led to the Vanir and Æsir becoming a single, unified people.

It is from them that virtually every single Indo-Aryan and Indo-European people group expanded. Not only that, but so many other peoples from all around the world were influenced by their culture and knowledge – groups such as the Andean, Meso-Americans, Egyptians, and Asiatic cultures and society. During the Grand Climate Optimum the Vanir and later Vanir-Æsir megalith mariners travelled the world through the portals of the Arctic and Antarctic oceans. During this warm, temperate time they sowed the seeds of many of the high cultures that came about in the following millennia.

This influence can be seen in nations such as the Inca and Egyptians who tried to emulate these peoples up to and including their red hair and blue eyes. It is through these people those cultures were taught astronomy and the importance of geometry. Without these travelers and their ancient, pre-neolithic tales and means of study there is little doubt in my mind that the world would be much, much different today. They intermixed with the native peoples they found all across the world, leaving many cultures with tales of gods with red and golden hair, a ruling class with such features, or both! Quetzalcoatl is described by the Nahuatl faith of the Aztecs as having such features, and being a patron of knowledge and humanity as a whole! There are so many such tales across so many of the ‘ancient’ cultures of our world that one could write volumes of books on it and barely scratch the surface.

It is from these people that Europe, North Africa, and Asia can trace much of their history, and be grateful for their prudence, righteous living, and studious, learned ways for the blessings that their descendants had and benefitted from in the following millennia.

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