Kabbalah, Cabala, Qabalah

Kabbalah, Cabala, Qabalah

Long before there were religious concepts of good and evil there was magic. In this magic pool arose an occult philosophy called the cabala. The name is from Hebrew qibbel, which means to receive, and signifies “knowledge handed down by tradition.” For a while, it was...
The Grail

The Grail

One of the most popular legends that grew out of mystical Christianity was The Holy Grail. As the story is told, when Archangel Michael and his legions descended upon Lucifer, Michael’s sword struck the green stone from Lucifer’s coronet. It fell to Earth and was...
Astrology of the Zodiac

Astrology of the Zodiac

The mythologies of the Zodiac are the oldest stories ever told. They were laid into the tapestry of stars before recorded history, and the symbolism of these great tales is found worldwide. Our ancestors watched the magnificent skies, they knew the power of natural...