Edmund Devine Who were the Vanir? When you think of the Vanir, if you even think of them, you find images of Norse Gods and Marvel movies popping into your head. But they are far, far more important than legends and film may have you think. Join me, Edmund Devine as...
Edmund Devine In terms of time, it was a period between the dates 5900 and 3750 BC, or 7922 and 5772 years ago. In Climatological terms, it is the period set during the Early Atlantic I to Late Atlantic IV epochs. In terms of Geography, it is the period immediately...
Edmund Devine “Of all men’s miseries the bitterest is this: to know so much and to have control over nothing.” – Herodotus, The Histories Since the beginning of mankind, we have wondered what happened before us, whilst we were not around, and most especially...
Edmund Devine ”I want to go home, I want to go home. Shrapnel it rattle and cannons they roar; Don’t send me back to those trenches no more. Take me back o’er the sea where the Aleman can’t get at me. Oh my, I don’t want to die, I want to go home.” – English War...
Holly Enzmann A true mark of the winter season and the approach of the holidays is the emergence of the constellation Orion with his loyal K9 companion, Sirius, trailing behind him. Sirius is the brightest start in the night sky (contrary to popular belief of that...
Fact of the Matter: The What and the Where Holly Enzmann Recently, V.P. Michelle Snyder and I finished our first major sort of printed material in the Archive and found some pretty amazing research done by Dr. Enzmann. My primary focus is currently on the Astronomy...