Enzmann Cosmology Blog

Cosmologies evolve from a culture’s knowledge of astronomy. Dr. Enzmann wrote a lot about cosmology, much of which includes astronomy. He also expounded upon spiritual philosophy and metaphysical realities.

Concerning Immortality

Concerning Immortality

Robert Duncan-Enzmann These notes are accompanied by a newspaper article titled "Evidence for the Recessive Nature of Immortality." No name or date...

God or Gods, Good or Evil

God or Gods, Good or Evil

Dr. Robert Duncan-Enzmann The speculation as to whether there is one god or a multitude (n-number of gods) has been under philosophical...

Thirteen Precepts

Thirteen Precepts

Dr. Robert Duncan-Enzmann 1) Infinite Regression is impossible (St. Thomas Aquinas). 2) We can only describe, never explain. We describe...

Science, History, and Religion

Science, History, and Religion

Robert Duncan-Enzmann On the subject of Cosmology, Dr. Enzmann emphasizes two important statements: 1) Gödel’s Proof: Things can be either...

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